oneCORE Roadmap
Explore an overview of our oneCORE development roadmap including the upcoming features and enhancements. Additionally, find a record of all previous releases, showcasing the continuous improvement we have made. Stay tuned for the exiting updates!
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Feature request (1)
oneCORE - implement default setting for the category layout
We implemented the setting field of default category layout in Shop defaults setting.
Bug fixes (1)
oneCORE - Lag setting short codes on page title and description
We resolved the issue that the sidebar didn't reload the changes after user inputted shortcodes.
Maintenance (2)
oneCORE - migrate to hierarchyid (taxonomytag)
We migrate to use hierarchy id for taxonomy tags (parent id + vieworder).
oneCORE - Migration - Support new URL structure features
We migrated the data to remove the old feature CategoryProductUrls.
Feature request (15)
oneCORE - Edition metadata visible
We created a new permission ‘ProductEditionERPMetadata.’ Users with this permission will be able to see and edit the ERP metadata field in the product edition.
oneCORE - Menu Editor - Activate or deactivate on language level & Created Last Modified not registered
We implemented the new functionality on Menu editor feature to allow user to set up the visibility of each menu heading based on language. Users can select the language that they specifically want to show that menu heading to in ‘Available language’ field. If no language is selected, that menu heading will show in all languages.
Note: This functionality will not be operational until integrated with the specific shop. To initiate integration and utilize this feature, please contact your account manager.
Besides, we resolved the disappearance of menu creation and modification.

How to set up available language
oneCORE - 3D object files - Support video/ audio file types
We updated the 3D objects field to support Mp4, WebM and Mp3 file type.
oneCORE - Shop user type feature
We implemented a new feature ‘Shop user type.’ With this feature, users can create new types of shop users apart from the default types (default shop user and guest) and customize data fields of shop users. The shop user type and its input data can be assigned to a user or edited manually or with further implementation with a form on shop.

How to use Shop user type feature
OneCORE - Reset products in wishlist and shopping cart feature
We implemented a new setting for users to customize the duration which the product will remain in the wishlist and shopping cart.

In Company behavior section of Setting, we implemented 2 new fields

- Reset products in wishlist (days)

- Reset products in shopping cart (days)

Note: The default period to reset product is 30 days.

Note: This set up will affect only guest customers who are not logged in.
oneCORE - Variable feature
We created the new feature called 'Variable' that was designated to use as a central dashboard for managing dynamic text. 'Variable' allows you to manage and update pieces of text used throughout your website in a convenient and efficient way from one central place.
Note: To use variable code requires an integration to be functional at the desired locations. To initiate integration and utilize this feature, please contact your account manager or the Client Success team.

How to use Variables
oneCORE - Support new URL structure
We created 2 new features called 'NestedProductStructureUrls' for product URL and 'NestedCategroyStructureUrls' for category URL which can be set up in Shop features ection.
Note: when the features are off, user can’t create a category or product URL with the same or existing name.
For example,
- Parent category: Device
- Child category: Apple
- Product: Apple watch

NestedProductStructureUrls on -> www.onecore.com/device/apple/apple-watch
NestedProductStructureUrls off -> www.onecore.com/apple-watch
NestedCategoryStructureUrls on -> www.onecore.com/device/apple
NestedCategoryStructureUrls off -> www.onecore.com/apple
oneCORE - Media - Multilevel support folder structure
We implemented a new functionality in the media library to make it possible for users to create subfolders or child folders. Besides, we updated the media library to have an overall design that supports the hierarchy level of media album.

How to use multilevel media folder
oneCORE - Default category layout selected in category creation
We improved the flow of setting up default category layout.
1. When user doesn't set up Default category layout, system will automatically select Default which is a layout ‘Index.’
2.When user sets up Default category layout e.g. Layout 1, system will automatically select Layout 1 when creating the category.
Public API - API to edit menu items
We created an API endpoint for the menu feature.
- Get shop menu by pagination
- Create shop menu
- Get shop menu by ids
- Update shop menu
- Get shop menu by user identifier
- Set shop menu active/inactive
- Delete shop menu
- Create shop menu item
- Sort shop menu item
- Set shop menu item active/inactive
- Delete shop menu item
- Update shop menu item translation
- Delete shop menu item translation
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url
your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Sitemap - Accessible Category pages not indexed
We updated the logic to index the category URL to the sitemap. Previously, the category must be set up to Active, Accessible URL and Show in store for that URL to show in the sitemap. After the adjustment, the category with Active and Accessible URL condition will show in the sitemap.
oneCORE - Endpoint to remove tags from Master edition
We created a new api endpoint to remove tag from master editions.
- /api/v1/taxonomytags/removetaxonomytagmastereditions - This endpoint removes tag from master edition by specifying taxonomy tag ID and master edition ID.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagge
oneCORE - digital stock dashboard - Update filters
We changed the default sync status on external and local digital dashboard to Active and add new filters to the dashboard as follows:
- For external stock dashboard, add Digital stock origin and Api setting filter on the top right of dashboard and add Api setting to the sort & filter list
oneCORE - New endpoint to get Taxonomy tags
We created the new endpoint to retrieve the taxonomy tags
- /api/v1/taxonomytags
To check the api endpoint, please visit your shop/api-swagge
oneCORE - Add more category fields to category data export
We added more category fields to category data export. The overall category data that can be exported are as follows:
- Category Id (Change the name from Id)
- Company Id
- Parent Id
- Category Name
- Category Title
- Category Url
- UserIdentifier (Change the name from UserIdent)
- Google product category
- Filters
- Image Ids
- Layout Id
- Template name
- Default sort
- Created
- Created by Id
- Modified
- Modified by Id
- Priority
- Active
- Accessible Url
- Show in store
Bug fix (13)
oneCORE - Categories - Wrong field title
We adjusted the incorrect title of ‘category name’ field. Besides, we updated the field to support only a single language. After the adjustment, only the category name of the default language will be displayed.
Admin - Fix copy product option (media issue)
We resolved the issue with copy product functionality that did not copy an edition image from the original product to the new product.
Admin - Campaign bug fixes
We resolved the issue with incorrect order calculations due to the campaign. Based on the bug report,
Issue (1) - when selecting to apply discount based on order, the discount was multiplied by the items in an order.
Issue (2) - when selecting to apply discount based on product, the discount was not multiplied by the items in an order.
Admin - ParentCategoryId is not changed when adjust the categories manually
Based on the original bug report, the products appeared in the incorrect category. According to the investigation in the database, the issue was caused by the ParentCategoryid not changing correspondingly as per the changing order or level of category on Admin. Therefore, we resolved the ParentCategoryid to change correctly.
oneCORE - Notification template - Assign shipping methods to Notification templates not working
We resolved the issue that users cannot assign shipping methods to notification templates.
Admin - Search by ID not working
We resolved the issues that the product was added 2 times when it was searched by id. The issue was found at these locations:
1. product picker → add products to category on Categories page sidebar
2. catalog picker → add/edit catalog product on Taxonomy tag page sidebar
3. page picker → edit page component
Admin - Product Editions - Unable to delete editions from all catalog products
We resolved an error when users removed editions from all catalogs.
oneCORE - Update order shipment and order shipment lines documentation
We adjusted an incorrect shipment status from order shipment endpoint.
oneCORE - ERP metadata field duplicated
We removed the duplicated ERP metadata field.
oneCore - Multiple PowerAutomateHttpTriggerOnReview<br />TranslationUpdatedJob
An automation team reported an issue that "PowerAutomateHttpTriggerOnReviewTranslationUpdatedJob" is triggered multiple times after the user did an action only once. Therefore, we adjusted the job to be triggered only when there is an adjustment via Admin side, and not triggered from the public api.
oneCORE - notification template not triggering when order value is 0
We found an issue that the notification template is not triggered when the order has 0 value though that orders have the shipping method matching with notification template. That is caused by the cache time on an order takes longer time than the notification template trigger.
oneCORE - digital stock dashboard - separate sync and digital batch setting
With the code investigation, we found that 'Digital batch on/off' setting and 'Sync' toggle work the same that is to turn off the stock. Previously, before we split local & external digital stock, the action of 2 settings are different. Therefore, we fixed it to have the separate functionality as follows:
1. Sync toggle to turn on and off stock
2. Digital Batch setting is to turn on and off batches
oneCORE - Public API - Fix url when importing products to standardize
When importing the products, we updated the import api to support any type of the spaces. So, the product URL will be shown as -.
Maintenance (3)
oneCORE - Categories - Insight into multi-language setup
We updated the category title field to show grey title when the title was inputted from another language. This is to notify users that the text that appears is not from the current language and users did not input the title in this current language yet.
oneCORE - .Net 8.0.4 update
Upgrade the project framework to .NET 8.0.4
oneCORE - Adjust api for import script to support hierarchy ID
We adjusted an api for importing product to support the hierarchy ID.
Feature request (3)
Admin - Taxonomy tags - Add search bar
We added the search function to Taxonomy tag feature.
oneCore - add [Email] [PaymentTransactionId] in orders details endpoint
We added order email and payment transaction id to the Orders endpoint
oneCORE - new endpoint to request a report from SSRS
We created new endpoints to request a reposrt from SSRS as follows:
- /api/v1/msssrsreports/download
To check api endpoints, please visit this url your shop/api-swagge
Bug fix (6)
oneCORE - Taxonomy Tags - Insight into multilanguage setup
We updated the interface of Tag title field to show in grey text indicating that this text was inputted via another language. This is to notify users that Tag title was not filled in yet in this language.
oneCORE - Taxonomy Tags - Cannot empty useridentifier field
We resolved the issue that user identifier of taxonomy tag could not be removed.
Admin - Global page component is not really global
We resolved the issue that content of a global component wasn't automatically inputted after users added the global component to the page.
oneCORE - Pricebook improvement
We improved the performance of Pricebook as follows:
- Fixed the issue that the result page refreshed itself.
- Fixed the issue that the products did not reorder after being sorted.
- Added ‘Any’ in the options under catalog product selection to return to overview page.
oneCORE - incorrect campaign calculation on shopping cart
We fixed the issue that the shipping cart calculated order with discount incorrectly.
oneCORE - Incorrect decimal point at OrderValue
We found that the price with decimal shows incorrectly on purchase invoice, so we applied the standard currency format (invarient culture format).
Maintenance (8)
oneCORE - Migrate edition translation name to edition name
We migrated data from edition translation to edition name to prepare for an update of edition name to support a single language.
oneCORE - Migrate edition translation name to edition translation title
We migrated the edition translation name to edition translation title to prepare for an update of edition name field to support a single language.
oneCORE - Remove logistics dashboard
We removed the logistic dashboard from oneCORE.
oneCORE - Public api v2 - Move API to API V1
We moved all exisitng API to the new folder to prepare for the set up of API V2.
oneCORE - dotnet 8.0.5
We upgraded the project framework to .NET 8.0.5.
oneCORE - set up API V2
We set up the environment to prepare for the API V2.
oneCORE - improve UI for single language field - category
According to our plan to update the category name field to support a single language, we implemented the guidance text saying 'This field supports a single language and is for admin use only.'
Admin - Remove logistics dashboard
We removed the logistics dashboard from oneCORE.
Feature request (15)
Admin - New campaign function - Campaign sidebar adjustment and migration
We adjusted the campaign setting to make it easier for users to set up campaigns. Here are the details of an adjustment.
1. To differentiate the type setting, we will adjust the field labels as follows:
a. Type (i.e. discount, overalldiscount and standard) will be changed to Campaign type
b. Type (i.e. financial and percentage) will be changed to Discount type
2. Combine Apply discount, based on and Apply discount to into 1 setting that is Calculation based on. 
a. Apply discount based on order will be updated to Calculation based on total order price 
b. Apply discount based on product + Apply discount to all assign products will be updated to Calculation based on Every amount of all assigned products
c. Apply discount based on product + Apply discount to the most expensive product (qty. = 1) will be updated to Calculation based on 1 amount of the most expensive products 
d. Apply discount based on product + Apply discount to the most expensive product (every qty.) will be updated to Calculation based on Every amount of the most expensive product 
oneCORE - Endpoint to tag product image with taxonomy tag
We created new endpoints for users to tag product images with taxonomy tags as follows:
- /api/v2/TaxonomyTagProductImages (post) - This endpoint adds taxonomy tag to product image by specifying the tag ID and product image ID.
- /api/v2/TaxonomyTagProductImages (delete) - This endpoint removes taxonomy tag from product image by specifying the tag ID and product image ID.
- /api/v2/products/{id}/productimages (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list of product images by specifying the product ID.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Endpoint for catalog product
We created new endpoints for catalog product as follows:
- /api/v2/catalogproducts (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list and details of catalog products. You can either retrieve all available catalog products or specify a catalog product ID to get the details of that specific catalog.
- /api/v2/catalogproducts (delete) - This endpoint deletes catalog product(s).
- /api/v2/catalogproducts/{id} (put) - This endpoint updates every field of catalog product by specifying catalog product ID.
- /api/v2/catalogproducts (post) - This endpoint creates a new catalog product.
- /api/v2/catalogproducts/{id} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of catalog product.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE – Feature to impersonate as a shop user
We implemented a new feature for an admin user to impersonate as a shop user. To use this feature, you need to contact the account manager or project manager to add this feature to your shop.
oneCORE - Implement a markdown to edition description
We implemented the rich text editor at edition description field. However, please make sure that the front-end of your website has been implemented with the available styles – bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, link.
oneCORE - Separate In3 from iDeal
We updated the endpoint to request for Mollie's payment methods, so now the In3 payment method is working.
oneCORE - Endpoints for PageComponents
We created the new endpoints for PageComponetns as follows:

- api/v2/pagecomponents (get) → This endpoint retrieves a list of page component by specifying a page component name or a page component layout.
- api/v2/pagecomponents/{id} (put) → This endpoint updates every field of page component by specifying a page component ID.
- api/v2/pagecomponents (post) → This endpoint adds page component to the page by specifying a page ID, a page component name and a page component layout.
- api/v2/pagecomponents/{id} (patch) → This endpoint updates only particular fields of page component by specifying a page component ID.
- api/v2/pagecomponents?ids=1,2,3,... (delete) → This endpoint deletes page component(s) by specifying page component ID(s).
To check the api endpoints, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCore - endpoints for PagePageComponents
We created the new endpoints for PagePageComponents as follows:
- /api/v2/pagepagecomponents (POST) - This endpoint adds page page component by name, page id, page component id.
- /api/v2/pagepagecomponents (DELETE) - This endpoint deletes page page component(s).
- /api/v2/pagepagecomponents/{id} (PUT) - This endpoint updates every fields of page page component by specifying page page component ID.
- /api/v2/pagepagecomponents/{id} (PATCH) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of page page component.
To check all API endpoints, please visit this URL your page url/api-swagger
oneCore - endpoints for HeadLines
We created a new endpoint for headlines as follow:
- /api/v2/headlines (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list of headlines.
- /api/v2/headlines (post) - This endpoint creates a new headline.
- /api/v2/headlines (delete) - This endpoint deletes headline(s) by specifying headline ID(s).
- /api/v2/headlines/{id} (get) - This endpoint retrieves details of a specific headline by specifiying a headline ID.
- /api/v2/headlines/{id} (put) - This endpoint updates every fields of headline by specifying a headline ID.
- /api/v2/headlines/{id} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of headline by specifying a headline ID.
- /api/v2/headlines/{id}/headlinetranslations (post) - This endpoint add new headline translation into specific headline.
- /api/v2/headlines/{id}/headlinetranslations (delete) - This endpoint deletes headline translation(s) by specifying headline ID and headline translation ID(s).
- /api/v2/headlines/{id}/headlinetranslations (put) - This endpoint updates every fields of headline translation by specifying a headline ID and headline translation ID.
- /api/v2/headlines/{id}/headlinetranslations (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of headline translation by specifying a headline and headline translation ID.
To check all API endpoints, please visit this Url your shop Url/api-swagger.

oneCORE - Improve 3D screenshot service
We enhance the 3D screenshot service to able to capture multiple 3D product models in a configurator. Also, the screenshot taken must also reflect the position/location of each 3D model.
oneCORE - Product Details - Add Original Price field to Product Edition
We created a new field named 'Original price' on Edition level while remane the 'Price' field to 'Selling price' field.
Note: Only users with a permission 'ProductEditionOriginalPrice' can see this field.
oneCORE - Endpoints for quotation
We created a new endpoint for quotations as follows:
- /api/v2/quotaions (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list of all available quotations.
- /api/v2/quotations (post) - This endpoint creates a new quotation.
- /api/v2/quotations (delete) - This endpoint deletes quotation(s) by setting status to deleted and filterring it out from query.
- /api/v2/quotations /{id} (get) - This endpoint retrieves details of a specific quotation by specifying a quotation ID.
- /api/v2/quotations /{id} (put) - This endpoint updates every fields of quotation by specifying quotation ID.
- /api/v2/quotations/{id} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of quotation.
- /api/v2/quotations/{id}/products (post) -This endpoint adds new products to specific quotation.
- /api/v2/quotations/{id}/products (delete) - This endpoint deletes product(s) in quotation.
- /api/v2/quotations/{id}/products/{quotationProductId} (put) - This endpoint updates every field of product quotation by specifying quotation ID and quotation product ID.
- /api/v2/quotations/{id}/products/{quotationProductId} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of product quotation by specifying quotation ID and quotation product ID.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Add product ID(s) in order export
We add a 'Product Ids' field to order export.
oneCORE - Increase maximum characters for CompanyName
We updated the Maximum characters of CampanyName field to 100 characters.
oneCORE - Endpoints for company behavior setting
We add a new endpoint for company setting as follows:
- /api/v2/company/behavior (get) - This endpoint retrieves details of company behaviors.
- /api/v2/company/behavior (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of company behaviors.
- /api/v2/company/behavior (put) - This endpoint updates every field of company behaviors.
To check all API endpoints, please visit this url your shop url/api-swagger
Bug fixes (9)
oneCORE - Outstanding amount bug on product pick up page
We fixed the issue that outstanding amount on product pick-up page on orderflow was calculated incorrectly by combining amount from cancelled transaction.
oneCORE - Feedback - Campaign adjustment
We fixed the issue that ‘Add product’, ‘Add voucher’ and ‘Export voucher’ buttons were missing from campaign feature. Also, the products added to the campaign were not correct.
oneCORE - Copy events between 2 companies is not working
We fixed the issue that copying products from one company to another company had an error.
oneCORE - Categories - Unable to search on child level
We fixed an issue that search function on category dashboard could not find child categories.
oneCORE - New stock doesn't show in edition sidebar
We fixed an issue found on ticket shop that a new stock did not display for selection in Digital stock field on edition sidebar.
oneCORE - Pricebook feedback
We resolved the issue on pricebook feature and added the new functionality as follows:
1. Fix the issue that, when turning on/off lowest purchase price, the page refreshed and went back to top.

2. Fix the issue that sorting was too sensitive that it caused the glitch when users highlighted the number.

3. Fix the issue that, when users updated the margin of multiple stocks, only some stocks were updated.

4. Fix the issue that, when Catalog product field was searching, the field would be disabled and users needed to click at the field again to continue typing.

5. Add functionality to magnifying glass at a search bar to reload the result when being clicked.

oneCORE - Order flow - datalayer 'purchase' event adjust
We adjusted the value of 'purchase' event to calculate from product price after discount, and it doesn't include shipment fee.
oneCORE - Admin - Product is not loading with product details permission
We adjusted the permission list related to the eligibility to load product details to not include 'Image' role with 'Create' permission.
oneCORE - Suspicious text appear at Add User sidebar
We removed the unneeded text from
Add user sidebar.
Maintenance (4)
oneCORE - Migrate edition translation name to edition name - fixing
We fixed the issue that the migration from edition translation name to edition name stopped unintentionally.
oneCORE - Put the /account & orderflow page on No Index
We indexed account and orderflow page in the robots.txt to disallow the search engines to find these pages.
oneCORE - orderflow - error to verify VAT number
We improved the VAT verification functionality on an orderflow to allow customers to successfully place an order when the VAT verification service was out of service. If customers place an order when the service is off, the VAT verification status in shipping address and invoice address will be Unverified.
oneCORE - Add a 'layout name' field to categories export
We add a 'Layout name' field to categories export.
Feature request (12)
oneCORE - Implement SalesUsers structure
We implemented the SalesUsers structure to enhance the sales portal flow. This new system is designed for shops where salesperson directly manage orders, rather than shop users or customers.
oneCORE - Multilingual URL function on Page, Product and Category
We implemented a new function 'Multilingual URL' to allow users to set up the URLs of pages, products and categories uniquely per language. This function will be visible only for shops activating LanguageUrls feature.
How to set up Multilingual URL
oneCORE - Generating meta data tags as a standard function
We implemented the Title tag, meta tags and canonical tags as the standard for all pages of every shop which helps improve the SEO. Read more about Standard Key Tags for SEO and Social Media in oneCORE
oneCORE - Update order detail and orderflow for SalesUsers
We updated the order detail page to display the users who created and modified an order. After the update, users will see the user who created and modified an order under the order number. Also, we did the same update to an product detail page. Also, we updated the orderflow v2 to display only the address connected to an order.
oneCORE - Notification template (v2) - Shop Users: trigger on shop user updated and shop user created
We created the new triggeres for notification template (v2), Shopuser type. The new triggeres include a trigger on shop user updated and a trigger on shop user created.

oneCORE - Log the order item change in order
We updated the order log to display the progress of an order and specify the users who did an action.
oneCORE - Update Quotations endpoints
We updated the get detail quotation endpoint for both API v1 and v2 by adding the details of users who created and modified a quotation and adjusting the price format.
oneCORE - Create Shopusertypes endpoints for API v2
We created new endpoints for shop user type as follows:
- /api/v2/shopusers/{id}/shopusertypes (put) - This endpoint updates every field in shop user type and every type of specific user.
Note: If not all fields' values and types are included in the request, the values and types will be removed.
- /api/v2/shopusers/{id}/shopusertypes (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields in shop user type of specific user.
- /api/v2/shopusers/{id}/shopusertypes (post) - This endpoint adds shop user type and its values to a shop user.
Note: Whether or not to send the data with this endpoint is optional.
- /api/v2/shopusers/{id}/shopusertypes (delete) - This endpoint removes shop user type(s) from specific shop user.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Create ShopUser endpoints for API v2
We updated the shopuser endpoint by adding Telephonenumber and Comment. Besides, we created new API types for the endpoint as follows:
- /api/v2/shopusers/{id} (put) - This endpoint updates every fields of shop user data by specifiying shop user id.
- /api/v2/shopusers/{id} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of shop user data by specifiying shop user id.
- /api/v2/shopusers (post) - This endpoint creates a new shopuser.
- /api/v2/shopusers (delete) - This endpoint deletes shopuser(s). Note: the shop users deleted via an API will be changed to guest users.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Add Tags 'expand all' function and enhancement
We added the Expand All/Collapse All button in taxonomy tags feature. Besides, we enhanced the behaviore of taxonomy tags feature to display the search result in open tree structure and keep the current view after editing the tags.
oneCORE - Create SalesUsers endpoints for API v2
We created new endpoints for Sales as follows:
- /api/v2/sales (get) - this endpoint retrieves a list of all sales user.
- /api/v2/sales/{id} (get) - this endpoint retrieves details of a specific sales user by specifying a sales user ID.
- /api/v2/sales (post) - this endpoint creates a new sales user.
- /api/v2/sales/{id} (put) - this endpoint updates every field of sales user.
- /api/v2/sales/{id} (patch) - this endpoint updates only particular fields of sales user.
- /api/v2/sales/{id} (delete) - this endpoint deletes sales user(s).
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Create Sales shopusers endpoints for API v2
We created a new endpoint for sales shop users as follows:
- /api/v2/sales/{id}/shopusers (get) - this endpoint retrieves a list of all shop users of specific sales user.
- /api/v2/sales/{id}/shopusers (post) - this endpoint assigns shop user(s) to specific sales user.
- /api/v2/sales/{id}/shopusers (delete) - this endpoint delete shop user(s) from specific sales user.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
Bug fixes (2)
oneCORE - Orderflow - Transaction cost seems incorrect
We resolved the issue that the transaction cost was calculated incorrectly based on downpayment amount instead of full order amount.

oneCORE - Mollie oAuth Flow is broken
We fixed the issue that Mollie oAuth flow was broken.
Maintenance (6)
oneCORE - .net 8.0.8 update
We upgarded the project framework to .NET 8.0.8.
oneCORE - Request for specific image file type
We developed the support system to generate the required image file type in response to the front-end request.

oneCore - Expand [ProductTranslations].[Title]
We expand the length of product title to the maximum of 125 characters.
oneCORE - Remove AutoMapper From AdminUserManagementController
We removed the unused extension for a better performance.
oneCORE - Remove AutoMapper From AccountManagerImageController
We removed the unused extension for a better performance.
oneCORE - Remove AutoMapper From AccountSettingController
We removed the unused extension for a better performance.
Feature request (16)
oneCORE - Create Address endpoints for API v2
We created new endpoints for address as follows:
- /api/v2/shopuser/{id}/addresses (get) - This endpoint retrieve details of specific shop user address.
- /api/v2/shopuser/{id}/addresses (post) - This endpoint adds address to a shop user.
- /api/v2/shopuser/{id}/addresses (put) - This endpoint updates every field of address.
- /api/v2/shopuser/{id}/addresses (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of address.
Note: for Put and Patch, when the edited address is in an order, it will be set to soft delete (cannot select this address anymore) and the system will create a new address with the edited data.
- /api/v2/shopuser/{id}/addresses (delete) - This endpoint deletes the address.
Note: for Delete, when the deleted address is in an order, it will be set to soft delete (cannot select this address anymore).
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Create endpoints for Personal offers
We created endpoints for personnal offer as follows:
- /api/v2/products/{id}/personaloffers (post) - This endpoint adds product(s) as personal offer to specific product.
- /api/v2/products/{id}/personaloffers (get) - This endpoint retrieves the personal offer product(s) of specific product.
- /api/v2/products/{id}/personaloffers (delete) - This endpoint deleted the personal offer product(s) from specific product.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Update API v2 endpoint - taxonomytagscatalogproducts
We created endpoints for taxonomytagscatalogproducts as follows:
- /api/v2/taxonomytagscatalogproducts (post) - This endpoint adds taxonomy tag(s) to catalog product(s).
- /api/v2/taxonomytagscatalogproducts (delete) - This endpoint removes taxonomy tag(s) from catelog product(s).
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Sales Invoice Dashboard Feedback
We updated the sales invoice feature to display more data as follows:
1. Current actual stock → display the number of stocks (external + local) at this moment.
2. Current stock price → display the price of stock per unit at this moment.
- Turn to 0 when no current actual stock.
3. Selling amount → field to input an amount users want to buy.
4. Total remaining price (approx.) → display the approximately total price that system not finish the purchase.
5. Total purchase price → display the total price that system not finish the purchase.
6. Average purchase price → display the average purchase price per unit.
7. Remaing amount → displat the number of stock unfinished to purchase.
8. Purchased amount → display the number of stock finished purchasing.
9. Total → display the total price of that sales invoice.
Besides, we resolved an issue that users cannot purchase external stock via sales invoice.
oneCORE - Adjust GET edition endpoint for API v1
oneCORE - Create Sales shopusergroups endpoints for API v2
We created a new endpoint for sales shop user groups as follows:
- /api/v2/salesusers/{id}/shopusergroups (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list of shop user types under this salesperson.
- /api/v2/salesusers/{id}/shopusergroups (post) - This endpoint assigns shop user(s) to a salesperson by specifying shop user type Id(s).
- /api/v2/salesusers/{id}/shopusergroup (delete) - This endpoint removes shop user type(s) from a salesperson by specifying shop user type Id(s).
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Add redeem date to /shopusers/{shopUserId}/vouchers endpoint
We added RedeemDate field to get voucher endpoint in API v1 (/api/v1/shopusers/{shopUserId}/vouchers)
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Add sorting function to personal offer
We added the sorting function to 'Personal offer' field in product setting.
oneCORE - Import and export image preset function
We improved the functionality of image preset feature as follows:
- add 'All' option in extension for users to create a preset for all file types at once.
- add import function that allows users to upload an excel file to add multiple presets at once.
- add export function that allows users to export all presets or the selected presets in excel file.
Read more about how to set up your image preset
oneCORE - Add DynamicCustomerData and OrderId in quotation endpoint
We updated the quotation endpoint for API v1 and API v2 as follows:
- add DynamicCustomerData to get quotation endpoint of API v1.
- add DynamicCustomerData and OrderId to get, post, put, patch quotation endpoint of API v2.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Copy account functions V.1 to temporary version of V.2
We are initiating the beta version of account functionality version 2.
oneCORE - New 3D screenshot with orderflow and order details
We updated the product display in an orderflow and order detail page of products implemented with 3D screenshot service to display a 3D screenshot from the screenshot service as the first image and implemented the standard fallback condition as explained below:
- on orderflow, display 3D screenshot from the service, followed by client screenshot in case the service is not ready.
- on order detail, display 3D screenshot from the service on product thumbnail. Display both screenshot from service and from client side in the product image pop-up.
oneCORE - Page components - Add Created and Last Modified data and UX enhancement
We added the time stamp to the component and page component edit sidebar to display the creation and modification history. Additionally, we enhanced the behavior of component editor panel that displays all created component to not collapse automatically.
oneCORE - Update response data of order endpoint API v1
We updated the response of get order endpoint of API v1 to contain the data of billing address and shop user address which include the VAT number status.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - API V2 - Update personal offers endpoints
We updated get personal offers endpoint of API v2 to include the ViewOrder that indicates the sequence. Also, we created 2 new endpoints to update personal offers as follows:
- /api/v2/products/{id}/personaloffers (patch) - This endpoint updates the vieworder of personal offers.
- /api/v2/products/{id}/personaloffers (put) - This endpoint replaces the personal offers with the requested vieworder.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Enhancement of campaign feature and product combination discount
In this update, we shipped several useful enhancements related to a campaign feature that will provide you more variety in your campaign setup.

We implemented 2 new campaign set-ups as follows:
(1) 1 amount of all assigned products: the idea is similar to every amount of all assigned products. If customers buy the products selected in a campaign, they will receieve the discount calculated from only 1 amount of them. For example, to be eligible for the discount, the order must include 'fireplace' product. If you purchase 2 fireplaces, you will receive discount calculated from the price of 1 fireplace.
(2) Product combination: this campaign type allows you to set up products which must be purchased together to be eligible for discount. Read more about how to set it up in How to set up your 'product combination

We added the function to assign products for 'Total order price' calculation rule. If there is a product selected, the order must contain at least one of the selected product to be eligible for the discount and the discount will be calculated from total order price.

We updated all the calculation rules to be effective though no product is assigned to a campaign. This update affects both Discount and Overalldiscount campaign type. Here are all calculation rules with and without products selected.
(1) Total order price:
- Selected products → calculate discount from total amount of selected products in cart.
- No selected products → calculate discount from total amount in cart.
(2) Every amount of all assigned products
- Selected products → calculate discount from every amount of selected products in the shopping cart.
- No selected products → calculate discount from every amount of all products in the shopping cart.
(3) 1 amount of the most expensive product
- Selected products → calculate discount from 1 amount of the most expensive selected products in the shopping cart.
- No selected products → calculate discount from 1 amount the most expensive products in the shopping cart.
(4) Every amount of the most expensive product
- Selected products → calculate discount from every amount of the most expensive selected products in the shopping cart.
- No selected products → calculate discount from every amount the most expensive products in the shopping cart.
(5) 1 amount of all assigned products
- Selected products → calculate discount from 1 amount of all selected products in cart.
- No selected products → calculate discount from 1 amount of all products in cart.
(6) Product combination
- Required to have a combination to be effective.
Therefore, please assign the products to a campaign everytime you create a campaign especially for Overall discount. Otherwise, the discount will apply to all products.

We added the active and inactive function for campaign. The vouchers of an inactive campaign will not be valid even though it is within the effective days. The button activate or deactivate the campaign is on an edit sidebar.
Note: the campaign will not be deactivated automatically after it passes the end date, but the voucher of expired campaign will remain invalid.

Bug fixes (8)
oneCORE - Copy product across companies bug
We resolved an issue regarding copy product across company not working.
oneCORE - Remove Restricted page type
We removed the 'Restricted page type' selection from the component editor. After the release, users will not be able to manually select the restricted page type of component layout, but the system will automatically generate the layouts of the none restricted page type and the page type correlated with current page.
oneCORE - View edit mode for product layouts not working
We resolved an issue that an edit mode of product layout containing page content gave an error.
oneCORE - Changing discount calculation type not working
We updated the campaign setting to disable the following fields after the campaign is created and there is a voucher assigned.
1. Calculation based on
2. Unlimited usage
3. Voucher bound to
Note: users will be able to change the setting option again after they delete all available vouchers.
oneCORE - Category - General bug fix
We fixed 3 issues found in category feature as follow:
1. Number of export category in export data sidebar is inconsistent with the actual category and actual data in export file.
2. Child category is not found in search result.
3. Category feature does not load when there is no category.
oneCORE - Edit Master Edition - Cannot save without empty or filled Metadata
We resolved an issue that a master edition sidebar could not be saved when Metadata field was filled.
oneCORE - Campaign can't save bound to user account and can't remove country
We resolved the issue that campaign cannot save 'Bound to user account.'
oneCORE - No date and time showing up in order details
We resolved an issue that order creation and modification history is not visible when users have OrderLabel permission.
Maintenance (7)
oneCORE - Cleanup BookingAppController
We updated the endpoint name which retreives the booking data as a result of the endpoint standardization approach.
oneCORE - Remove original price check when entering orderflow
We removed the logic to disallow customer to proceed to orderflow when product has original price higher than configurable price.
oneCORE - Related products - Add sort product function
We added a sort function to Related product field in a product edit sidebar.
oneCORE - Remove edition name from translation edition
Regarding an action plan to update edition name field to be a single language field, we haved updated the input field of edition name to allow only one language and migrated the name to title in case the title was not filled. Now, we removed the edition name column from edition translation to completely remove the multilingual edition name.
oneCORE - Optimize product query
We optimized the product query to reduce the product loading time.
oneCORE - Multilingual URL - Enhance to work with duplicated url
We enhanced a multilingual URL feature to work with duplicated category URL. If the NestedCategoryUrl feature is on and users set up the unique multilingual URL, the system will check further whether the duplicated URL is under the different parent category or not.
- If the matching url is in the different parent, allow to set that URL.
- If the matching url is in the same parent, do not allow to set that URL.
Read more about this feature How to set up Multilingual URL
oneCORE - update hreflang in header
We adjusted the logic to generate the page URL in rel="alternate" to have a function corresponding with multilingual URL feature that allows users to set up the unique URL per language.
Feature request (14)
oneCORE - Setting for Display the edition in shopping cart and orderflow
We added a new setting 'Display the edition in shopping cart and orderflow' in edition to Default feature. With this setting, users can set up the default option either to Yes or No for every newly created edition. The default option from the system is 'No'.
oneCORE - Update API v2 endpoint - products
We created endpoints for products as follows:
- /api/v2/products (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list of products.
- /api/v2/products (post) - This endpoint created a new product.
- /api/v2/products/{id} (put) - This endpoint updated every field of product by specifying a product ID.
- /api/v2/products/{id} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of product by specifying a product ID.
- /api/v2/products/{id} (delete) - This endpoint deleted the product(s).
Also, we updated a get product endpoint by removing value field under OriginalPrices, ServiceFees and DownPaymentPrices and chnage the output format of price related fields.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Create shop notification endpoints for API v2
We created Shop notification endpoints for API v2.
- /api/v2/shopnotifications (get) - This endpoint retrieves a list of shop notifications.
- /api/v2/shopnotifications/{id} (get) - This endpoint retrieves details of a specific shop notification by specifying a shop notification ID.
- /api/v2/shopnotifications (post) - This endpoint create a new shop notification.
- /api/v2/shopnotifications/{id} (put) - This endpoint updates every fields of shop notification by specifying a shop notification ID.
- /api/v2/shopnotifications/{id} (patch) - This endpoint updates only particular fields of shop notification by specifying a shop notification ID.
To check the api endpoint, please visit this url your shop/api-swagger
oneCORE - Create order endpoint for API V2
We created an order endpoint of API v2 to get details of specific order.
oneCORE - Deactivate specific language of Products, Pages, and Categories
We added the function to activate and deactivate the specific language of Product, Page, and Category. The inactive URL will be hidden from all locations. Please navigate to the page or product or category you would like to manage and click to manage multilingual URL. Turn on or off the boolean to activate and deactivate the URL.
oneCORE - Create [Pages] endpoint for API v2
oneCORE - Additional fields in [shopuser product wishes]
We added the related storing location in the database to support the 3D screenshot integration in wishlist.
oneCORE - Add Company name to Product quotation form
oneCORE - Update API v2 endpoint - shopuserachievements
oneCORE - Enhance configuration rule to specify the range
oneCORE - Create endpoints to activate and deactivate product URL per language
oneCORE - Product variants feature
We implemented the feature 'Product Variants' to name the query string of the products. The feature can be accessed with the button on top of the product detail page. The variants will be automatically recorded when that product is selected as a 3D look alike product in an other product. This feature can be further integrated with the meta tags or data tracking tool for various usages.
oneCORE - Multiple server side screenshot support
oneCORE - Create campaign endpoints for API v2
Bug fixes (5)
oneCORE - Tags' hierarchy structure issue
We resolved an issue with taxonomy tags structure that the child tags changed their parent tag without any action.
oneCORE - Metadata disappear from Account page and can't save
We resolved an issue that the metadata of Account page disappeared and cannot be saved.
oneCORE - Shop user filter bug
Admin - Sync edition button not working
oneCORE - 'All' Image Preset Extension not working
Maintenance (7)
oneCORE - Remove unused campaign columns
We removed the unused campaign columns.
oneCORE - Upgrade to .NET 8.0.10
We upgarded the project framework to .NET 8.0.10.
oneCORE - upgrade to 3D configurator version 4.7
We upgrade the 3D configurator to version 4.7 and update to work with both old and new version. Also, we updated the upload function of 3D objects to be able to select the configurator version and users is required to specify the version before uploading the 3D objects.

Note: After an upload, if the system detect an unsuitable version, it will automatically change the version to the suitable one.
Note: Changing the configuration version is allowed only when there is no file uploaded.
oneCORE - Optimize voucher export
We optimized the voucher export process to generate data more efficiently.
oneCORE - Remove product translation name from product translation
Regarding an action plan to update product name field to be a single language field, we haved updated the input field of product name to allow only one language and migrated the name to title in case the title was not filled. Now, we removed the product name column from product translation to completely remove the multilingual product name.
oneCORE - Remove 'Banggood'
oneCORE - Pre-select 'Display the edition in shopping cart and orderflow' in add edition
Feature request (4)
oneCORE - Public API v2 - Create Master edition endpoint
oneCORE - New campaign function for volumn discount
oneCORE - Enhance 3D lookalike products to remember position
oneCORE - Quotation feature
Bug fixes (3)
oneCORE - Products in shopping cart do not disappear when log out
Admin - ticket design did not appear when copy edition
oneCORE - Campaign calendar shows incorrect starting day
Maintenance (2)
oneCORE - Remove Giropay from all payment providers
oneCORE - Remove name from page translation
Feature request (0)
Bug fixes (0)
Maintenance (0)
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