Translation keys & Page contents
Multi-lingual content made easy: How does oneCORE support multiple languages?On eCORE is integrated with special features to support multiple languages on your web- or ticket shop; page contents and translation keys.
Page contents
Page contents are “empty blocks” that allow the user to freely write their own content which is added to code. This can take on many forms like text, image, or video. Page content is completely customizable. The information added to a page needs to be filled in separately for every available language. When the language switches on the front-end, the page contents will change to the respective language. Since page content is language-based, the user has the freedom to show different content for each language.
Translation keys
Translation keys are exclusively hard-coded words, or “filled blocks” of code, added by developers to translate text into another language. The translation keys within oneCORE were created to make it simpler to switch between website languages. When a user switches to their preferred language the translation keys take effect for that set language. A single translation key can be used multiple times on a website, and only requires data input once. The benefit of translation keys is faster load times, optimal speed is guaranteed by using translation keys instead of various page contents.
Default, organisation and company translations
We define three types of translations; default, organisation, and company. The default translations are the translations that apply to all oneCORE users, for example in the checkout process. Those translation keys are already set in the overview, so any new oneCORE user can start right away. Only Colengo developers will be able to add/change default translation keys. The organisation’s translation keys are set for each organisation. Default translations will be overruled by the organisational translations. Every authorized user within an organisation can make changes to the translations and those changes will apply to all their shops. The company translations are based on individual shops and will overrule both default and organisation translations. Modifying the company translations will only apply to the respective shop, with every other shop remaining unchanged. Thus the individual shops will have unique content.
Depending on the type of content, page contents and translation keys are accessible to easily support an muliti-lingual web- or ticket shop.
Want to know more about oneCORE’s possibilities for your e-commerce platform? Feel free to contact us. Our team is always on standby to answer your questions.